I've decided my dog is just too great to not document. He's 7 now so i've got about 15 years left - thought I should get busy. FYI - He's a malamute/shepherd/great dane mix.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Photos on a bed
This is one of Kody's favoritest spots in the house. And he wears it well...
youare SO right! BUT shocker of all shocks...betsy slept on the bed last night. kody wouldn't come up so i punished him by loving another. it's a pattern with me.
kody lives the life, man....wish I was your dog.
Kody is king... Like me, I am sure that you just appreciate the fact that they allow us to sleep on the bed at all.
i wish i was my dog too :)
youare SO right! BUT shocker of all shocks...betsy slept on the bed last night. kody wouldn't come up so i punished him by loving another. it's a pattern with me.
Kody told me that he wouldn't sleep with you because he just can't get used to the new hair color.
He looks like a wolf from my favorite cartoon as a child... Mawkli Feta L'adghal... Mogli, the jungle lad.
The wolf was called: Sira. Of all names, eh?
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